“Two roads diverged in a wood and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.”

Robert Frost penned his famous poem, "The Road Not Taken", in 1916, a period marked by the turmoil of World War I and his own passage into middle age. While there are many critical interpretations of the poem, it is fair to say that Frost himself chose, after years spent dabbling in factory work and farming, to take the road less traveled – a life spent dedicated to teaching and writing great poetry.

Though the road may be unmarked, the rewards of the journey are often immeasurable.

There is something inherently courageous and liberating about listening to our inner voice, carving out our own path, and committing to one’s passion – immune to conventional wisdom and the judgments of others. We all know it’s easy to follow the well-trodden path – what’s difficult is to travel uncharted territory, to have the courage of our convictions and to stay the course. Over the last few years, we’ve made a conscious decision to go our own way – to trust our instincts and follow our muses, wherever they might lead us. That philosophy has allowed us to think unconventionally, to react nimbly, and to partner creatively. We’ve forged alliances with some of the most innovative artisans in the world, and worked with them to devise new ways to bring their ideas and products to life. And instead of following existing best-in-class practices, we’ve questioned and redefined the paradigm of what is the best and constructed innovative ways – what we like to call “next-in-class” – to get there. It may not be the normal way of doing business, but it’s our normal. And it feels exactly right – even a bit revolutionary. Our products have never been more exciting, and they reflect the newfound passion we feel as we go about doing business each day.

So, as we embark on a new year, and reflect on the choices we’ve made and those yet to come, let’s all take a page from Robert Frost’s book of verse. Trust our instincts. Lead rather than follow. Be just a bit fearless. And when given a choice, take the road less traveled by. For us, it has made all the difference.

Carpe Diem,

Gary Friedman
Chairman & CEO

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